Saturday, May 25, 2024

Babies in the womb are human from fertilization photos

I am including some details from the medical textbook "From Conception to Birth: the drama of life's beginnings " by Landrum B. Shettles, MD,D SC, PhD and Roberts Rugh, PhD so readers/ viewers understand more completely.

I rephotographed photos from that book for teaching purposes and these photos are a small percentage of all photos in that textbookk, which I own because I bought it about 30 years ago. The Copyright for that book belongs to the authors and this is not intended to infringe upon that but to use the "fair use doctrine" for purposes of teaching the public. Teaching is the purpose of medical textbooks! My copyright is for my blog, my words, my art that is in previous posts of this and for all art I create, all words, blogs, poems, articles, essays I create.

Quotes from that book: "Every ...individual is a chance composite of two distinct lines of inheritance and is thus in every way unique and different from all other individuals...each child possesses a heritage from the past and is a link to the future...This privilege of life is to be cherished , guarded and nourished with all the modern resources, and knowledge available." And also this quote: " the history of man for nine months preceding his birth would probably be far more interesting and contain events of greater magnitude than all the threescore and ten years that follow it. " .From preface of book "From Conception to Birth".

Some medical facts from that same book"

The human brain contains more than 10Billion neurons [nerve cells].

Humans have 46 chromosones , 23 pairs of chromosones that include one set from the father and one set from the mother.

The chromosones contain the hereditary traits and the blueprint for creating the new baby humans.

"Cells sustain life by growing to twice their normal size, then splitting in half. this division known as mitosis, results in two cells which are identical to the parent cell in chromosones and every other way. " pg2 - 3 of book.

In the male sperm or female ova [egg] which are called "germ cells" resides all the genetic information to create whole new humans with trillions of cells of their own. Pg 3 of book.

"The entire blueprint for the construction of a [new] person is contained in the chromosones of the fertilized [female] egg cell". pg 3, book "From Conception to Birth.

"The process [of human development in the womb] is completely regulated--everything appearing in definite stages and stopping when it's supposed too. " pg 3, book.

"For the continuance of humankind #fertility is as important as life itself. " pg 5, book.

Women are fertiles about 30 years but men are fertile their entire lives. pg 5, book.

"A mature, healthy man produces more than 300 million active spermatozoa in each cubic centimeter [cc, milliliter] of of semem [mixture of sperm with other body fluids that he ejaculates at climax of sex act]. pg 6. Book

"If a man ejaculates fewer than 20 million sperm at a time he would for all practical purposes be sterile". pg 6, Book

Only one sperm is allowed to fertilize a human egg. pg 6, book,

"The first thing an #embryo does even before it begins to form vital organs is to set aside germ cells for the exclusive purpose of reproducing itself many years later. pg 6, Book

50 days after conception the human #embryo has external featureof his or her sex. Book

A female ovum [egg] measures 1/175" long and weighs 1/20,000,000 of an ounce, when released from the ovary". pg 7. Book.

The secondary sex characteristics [penis, testicles,epididymis and vas deferens, prostate in men; and uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina in women] arise in response to chemicals [hormones] released by the human as it develops. pg 7. Book.

At 50 days after conception the female #embryo's developing ovaries have about 600,000 primitive germ cells [ova] .By the end of the 5th month of #gestation those ova will have produced about 7 million oogonia [eggs]. The number of eggs is decreased with every menstrual cycle when she reaches #puberty. pg 8, Book.

Human spermatozoa masures 1/500' long which is mostly a long tail for simming to ova. The oval head of the sperm contains the nucleus and is the important structure in fertilization. The long, filamentous tai has the sole function of propelling the sperm to the egg.

Every woman has a biological clock with an average of 28 day cycle, called the estrous cycle [named after estrogen] or the menstrual cycle [named after the Latin word menses for month].

Ovulation is usually but not always on the 14th day of the cycle but can occur from day 10-day16 of cycle. pg 10. Book.,

The #human #egg as it leaves the ovary is surrounded by a protective envelope called the zona pellucida which is transparent . The human sperm must be strong enough to penetrate that sac around egg, and the sperm produces a chemical which helps. The zona pellucida vanishes a few days after fertilization and the fertilized egg is dividing and multiplying itself. pg 10. Book. ,

The primary oocyte [egg] leaves the ovary and changes begin to occur in the lining of the #uterus to create a nutritious, blood enriched place for the egg to nest [implant] if is fertilized with a sperm. If it is not fertilized the egg, and the extra blood is passed through the vagina [discarded by body] and the cycle begins again. Book.

The hormones that affect #human #reproduction are from the pituatary gland in the skull, and the thyroid,adrenal, mammary, ovaries, uterus, and vagina in the female.

Progesterone stimulates follicles of ovaries through the pituatary and inhibits LH [luteinizing hormone] and LTH [Luteotrophic hormone which acts on corpus luteum in ovary] production. Estrogen stimulates LH and LTH in pituatary and inhibits FSH [follicle stimulating hormone ] so ovulation is stopped during pregnancy. pg 11, book.

The corpus luteum of ovary secretes estrogen and progesterone.

The entire cluster of maturing ovum and surrounding cells form what isknown as the Graafian follicale. pg 12, Book.

If two ova are released simultaneously and both are fertilized the result in fraternal twins--siblings sharing the uterus but totally different beings.

Between the 10t ad 16th day of the woman's cycle the ovary [one of the other] releases an egg, called ovulation; and it is pulled into the Fallopian tube of that ovary by cilia which are hair-like projections at the opening of tube. pg 12. Book.

The ovum is propelled downward toward the uterus by muscular contractions of the fallopian tube . The Graafian follicle ruptures and fills with cells that secrete estrogen and progesterone to prepare the lining of the uterus for implantation of the ferilized egg and to prevent any further ovulation; and to signal breats to start preparing to create milk. pg 13. Book

Sperm are produced and mature at an average rate of 300 MILLION per day, and are influenced by Vitamin E. A deficiency of vitamin E may cause sterility in men. pg 13. Book.

Each spermatazoon has meager protoplasm so it has a short life span. pg 14. Book.

If ejaculation occurs before ovulation or too long after ovulation, the sperm dies . Sperm travels at one inch in 20 minutes. pg 19.Book.

The force of ejaculation propels the sperm through the cervix of the vagina and then through they migrate upward . Normally the female reproductive system is slightly acidic but at ovulation is becomes slightly alkaline because the sperm is markedly alkaline. pg 15. Book

A sperm has an average life of 48 hours inside the female. There is a 72 hour window of time for the sperm to penetrate the egg . pg 15. Book. ,

The first month after conception the #embryo grows 40-fold in length and 3000-fold in weight. The head, trunk, and rudiments of vital organs appear. At 17 days after fertilization the embryo forms blood cells and a heart 18 days after fertilization.The embryonic #heart begins a slow, iregular pulsation at 24 days after gestation. pg 17. book.

Changes in the womb are continuous, never stopping.

If a fertilized egg divides, the result is identical twins. Otherwise not another human being will be exactly like that one. pg 18.Book,

The penetrating sperm brings with it 1/2 of the hereditary genes to the new being. pg 19. book

When one mature sperm pushes through the zona pellucida with cooperation of the of the ovum, the egg rejects all other perm. The head of the sperm contains the father's 23 chromosones.

The nucleau of the egg containing 23 chromosones moves slowly toward the cente where it meets the nucleus of the perm containing the 23 chromosones and both shed their enclosing membranes . Within 12 hours they merge to form a fertilized ovum [egg] now called a zygote which has 23 pairs of chromosones [one set from each parent] and begins developing , doubling its DNA by a process called synthesis that is characteristic of all living beings and then splits itsle into two halves with each half having equal chromosones so each half is identical to the first egg. pg 21. book. ,

The first division of the egg takes 36 hours but then becomes faster and constant in a process called cleavage. pg 21 Book.

In every nucleus of every cell in a human are 46 chromosones , 23 from each parent. pg 21. Book

The process of multiplying DNA then halving into indentical cells is called mitosis and continues until about 800 BILLION cells are created. pg 23. Book

By day 3 after feetilization there are 16-32 identical cells and by day 14 there are 60-70 identical cells and they continue to form a sphere called a morula that resembles a mulberry . On day 3 the morula moves and forms an embryonic disc called the blastoderm. pg 24. Book

The medical word "fetus" means a baby in the uterus that is 5 or more weeks after conception. pg 24. Book.

The auxiliary parts that play an important role in embryonic development are: chorion; placenta; amnion [bag of water] ; yolk sac, but they are not part of the physical body of the developing baby. pg 25. Book

The balstoderm has 2 distinct parts: ectoderm and endoderm. the ectoderm develops into the brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory organs and skin. The endoderm develops the lining of the digestive tract , pharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, intestines. Pg 25. Book

About 7-9 days after fertilization the embryo that has hundreds of cells by then attaches itself to the wall of the uterus, burrowing down into the soft, prepared nest. Changes occur quickly then as the blood vessels of the uterus engorge with blood and the glands begin secreting the hormones that trigger the process of developing new human shape and form and all of its parts and limbs. One week after fertilization the new human is 1/1oo of an inch long. pg 27. Book,

I am writing here what I reread in the textbook I own so that all can understand human development. I am only writing for the time being the fisrt month of development in the womb [uterus] because that is the most dangerous time for the tiny #baby #human as there are predatory ungodly groups that prey on the blood, cells, tissues, hormones of the tiniest humans. There is a shadow government in these United States that is trying to zero out the human race based upon the ungodly goals of the United Nations written decades ago as the master plan to return the earth to the animals. I am posting this because I feel the need is urgent for all good people in these United States and the world to actively oppose the premeditated slaughter of tiny humans. #savethebabyhumans has to become job number 1 in this country if US is to survive. #Realwomenhavebabies has to become one of the goals the taxpayer supported schools have to promote if the U S is to continue.

Any society or civilization that preys upon and annihilates its upcoing generations has no future.

It is written ; "THY hands [O LORD GOD] have made me and fashoned me; give me understanding that I may learn Thy Commandments. " Psalms 119:73, KJV.

"Thou shalt not kill", Exodus 20:13, KJV

I have other blogs I create one by one also and they are unique with different content and anyone may view/read them and I urge you too. They are:,,,,,

#babies #womb #uterus #umbilicalcord #pregnancy #placenta #humandevelopment #photos #medicalimaging #antiabortion #endabortion Posted today 25May 2024 at 7:27am by me #Gloria Poole,Registered #Nurse, #artist, white, unmarried [twice divorced] woman, U S citizen by birth, Republic Missouri[ #RepMO] from my own apartment using my own internet I pay for, and my computer/equipment/book/smartphones/skills, as usual.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Medical killing has to end everywhere if U S wants God's blessings

"I call heaven and earth to record this day againt you {United States and world] that I [God] have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore CHOOSE LIFE that both thou and thou seed may live. " Deuteronomy 30:19, KJV.

{ BTW I attempted to remove my selfie #Gloria from 2018 from header but it was complicated by what??? So scroll past it please to message.

I am writing that scripture verse first because it summarizes the approach GOD HIMSELF takes to human life. The United States and almost every country in the world that "legalized" the premeditated murder of human beings in the wombs of their mothers have come to repent of that because they depopulate in a short time, lost power, wealth, status and influence on the world stage, and become as nothing. There are entire pages of scriptures passages about the destruction GOD brings on a nation that allows human sacrifice. Abortion is human sacrifice. It is the premeditated murder of an innocent human being because that human is considered "unwanted" by the mother. It is exactly genocide , infanticide, and nation suicide. It has to end in all its forms.

I probably do not need to remind the world of the Nazi hisotry of the premeditated ,methodical annihilation of Jews and Christians for simply being "unwanted" by the ruling powers. Abortion in the United States has put the United States in a terrible situation of defying GOD and as a result our nation is coming apart at the seams. GOD's own hand wrote the Ten Commandments in stone and gave them to Moses according to the Old Testament and the Jewish book law of Moses. In that scriture passage in Exodus chapter 20, King James Holy Bible, one of those earliest commandments was "thou shalt not kill", Exodus 20:13. To back up the scripture to the beginning of God's creation of the earth, as recorded in Genesis it is written, "So God created man in HIS own image. In the image of GOD created HE him [Adam]; male and female created HE them. And GOD blessed them and GOD said unto them, 'be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it; and have dominion..." Genesisi 1: 27-28, KJV.

So, that is the scriptural background. Now I want the world to know these scriptures too: " Behold, THE LORD's hand is not shortened that it cannot save; neither HIS ear heavy that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated between you and your GOD and your sins have hid HIS face from you, that HE will not hear [your prayers]. For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity ; your lips have spoken lies; your tongue has muttered perverseness. None called for justice; nor any pleadeth for truth. They trust in vanity and speak lies. They conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity. They hatch cockatrice eggs and weave the spider's web [of propaganda, false doctrine; lies, deceit to fool people] . He that eateth of their eggs [products, services] dieth, and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper [ a deadly snake that kills whom it bites]. Their webs shall not become garments, neither shall they cover themselves with their works. Their works are iniquity and the act of violence [of killing, premeditated murder] is in their hands. Their feet run to evil and they make haste to shed shed innocent blood. Their thoughs are thoughts of iniquity. Wasting and destruction are in their paths...For HE put on righteousness as a breastplate [shield] and an helmet of salvation upon HIS head, and HE put on the garments of vengeance for clothing and was clad with zeal as a cloke [cloak]. According to their deeds, accordingly HE will repay fury to HIS adversaries; recompence to HIS enemies.." Isaiah 59:1-7 and 17,18, KJV. It is not my words that matter though I have more information about various froms of medical killing in next paragraphs. It is GOD"s warning through the prophets that HE avenges innocent blood. Always. It is written in many scriptures through-out The Holy Bible. I cannot reprint the entire Bible here but there are Bible apps on every major operating system that can be added to devices for those who do not own Bibles and most of the KJV Bible apps are free.

The specific medical killing I am writing this post about is the premeditated, planned, methodcal murder of the tiniest, most innocent human beings in the womb. That medical killing takes three forms: 1) abortion which is a national shame and disgrace that has wiped out almost the future of the United States because the numbers of humans killed cannot be counted.2) Planned destroying of human embryoes that are labeled "unnecessary; extra; unwanted in IVF clinics; and 3) abortifacients which are drugs , chemicals or hormones that kill the implanted embryo and detach it from the human epithelium of the uterus so it is washed out with blood. All three of those methods, techniques result in the death of a human being created by GOD according to scriptures. And they all 3 techniques to kill must end everywhere in the eyes of the law.

In the next paragraph is information on a video showing how a living being develops in the womb because it is very important research

National Geographic photographer shows on video what happens in #IVF and all the dangers of it:

Quote : " That's a daunting challenge, and as the opening scene reveals, Varma's first attempt failed. "The Saran Wrap eggs are not doing very well at all," he tells the camera after working well into the wee hours. Environmental conditions have to be tightly controlled but overnight both the main humidifier stopped working and the backup humidifier didn't kick in. That made the embryos' environment 18° F hotter than it should have been. But Varma perseveres and eventually succeeds, commenting that a new growing embryo after 12 days resembles "a little velociraptor foot." The embryo is actually blinking inside its unshelled yolk.";

16March2024; 1:38pm

#Alabama Supreme Court decision that human embryoes are human is the linchpin of the 14th Amendment protection for preborn=personhood: Quote: "Antiabortion lawmakers on Capitol Hill are facing a quiet pressure campaign by some of their most influential supporters to ramp up their defense that frozen embryos should legally be considered people and advocate for legislation that would codify a central driving force of antiabortion policies."...

Yhe Alabama Supreme Court ruling that frozen embryos created and stored for in vitro fertilization treatments are “unborn children” — and that those who destroy them could be held liable under a wrongful death law ";


#Personhood in Iowa, thank GOD!

Quote: " Iowa Republicans passed a personhood bill in the state House on Thursday night that would make it a felony to “cause the death” of an “unborn person,” putting the conservative Midwestern state directly into the national battle over protections for in vitro fertilization....

The bill defines an “unborn person” as a human “individual organism” from “fertilization to live birth.”...


When the CDC altered their methods of reporting to hide those stats years ago, the count of slaughtered human beings was 100 MILLION--that is genocide. I am including the report of CDC that caused me to conclude that they do not count abortions :

CDC does not classify fetuses killed by abortion as fetuses for purpose of their statistics, read following:


Fetal Death is defined as “death prior to the complete expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of human conception, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy and which is not an induced termination of pregnancy. The death is indicated by the fact that after such expulsion or extraction, the fetus does not breathe or show any other evidence of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles. Heartbeats are to be distinguished from transient cardiac contractions; respirations are to be distinguished from fleeting respiratory efforts or gasps.” Induced Termination of Pregnancy (Abortion) is defined as “purposeful interruption of an intrauterine pregnancy with the intention other than to produce a liveborn infant and which does not result in a live birth.” This definition excludes management of prolonged retention of products of conception following fetal death.

Ectopic pregnancy reported with an intentional intervention An ectopic pregnancy reported with an intentional intervention, such as “removal of embryo”, is not included in the fetal death file. Records with this type of event reported will be identified by the coder and proper steps taken for removal.

Live Birth is defined as “the expulsion or extraction from its mother of a product of human conception, irrespective of the duration of the pregnancy, which, after such expulsion or extraction, breathes or shows any other evidence of life such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord, or definite movement of voluntary muscles, whether or not the umbilical cord has been cut or the placenta is attached. Heartbeats are to be distinguished from transient cardiac contractions; respirations are to be distinguished from fleeting respiratory efforts or gasps.” “

This manual only includes instructions on coding causes of fetal deaths which includes “spontaneous abortions”. Terms interpreted as spontaneous abortions are included in Appendix G.

Induced abortions and live births are not included in the fetal death file. Terms interpreted as induced abortions are included in Appendix H.


The U.S. Standard Report of Fetal Death provides spaces for a certifier to record pertinent information concerning the diseases, morbid conditions, and injuries which either resulted in or contributed to a fetal death. The CAUSE/CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO FETAL DEATH portion of the Fetal Death Report includes items 18a and 18b. It is designed to obtain the opinion of the certifier as to the initiating cause and prompts the certifier to report specific conditions. A cause of fetal death is the morbid condition or disease process, abnormality, injury, or poisoning leading directly to fetal death. The initiating cause of fetal death is the disease or injury, which initiated the chain of morbid events leading directly to death or the circumstances of the accident or violence, which produced fatal injury. A fetal death often results from the combined effect of two or more conditions. These conditions may be completely unrelated, arising independently of each other or they may be causally related to each other; that is, one cause may lead to another which in turn, leads to a third cause, etc.

The format in the 2003 Revision of the Fetal Death Report which the certifier is requested to record the causes of fetal death facilitates the selection of the initiating cause when two or more causes are reported. He or she is requested to report an initiating condition in Item 18a and all remaining causes in Item 18b.


In some circumstances, the conditions reported in 18. Cause/Conditions Contributing to Fetal Death may indicate that this is not a fetal death. If the event does not meet the definition of a fetal death, the records will be removed automatically.

Induced terminations of pregnancy should be included in the fetal death file only when the fetus was known dead before the procedure and when the induction was performed for the sole purpose of removing an already-dead fetus. The term “induced termination of pregnancy” implies an induced termination of the pregnancy in progress, not one in which the fetal death has already occurred. Appendix G contains a list of terms not considered as induced abortions and that are coded as fetal deaths.";

as it exists on 26March2024;6:13pm

The U S Supreme Court is crurently deciding if the abortifacient mifepristone should be allowed to kill U S citizens with the government agency FDA blessing. I am opposed vehemently and forever to any method of killing innocent human beings regardless of age, size, location [in womb or out of it] skin color, religion, wanted or unwanted by society status, national origin, wealth or lack of; ethnic group. Killing of innocents is a sin against GOD and HE always avenges it according to scripture. @SCOTUS should rule in favor of no abortifacient through the U S mail and since that is ALREADY the law in the public law entitled "The Comstock Act" it is a no-brainer for them.

More... I always have to update my posts in increments because there is always a cyber-attack against me since I am a known prolife advocate and I have a Registered Nurse license in Missouri and before that in Colorado, Nebraska, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and my original license was in state of Georgia. I worked 26 years as a Registered Nurse in a varieyt of units in acute care hospitals including Med-Surg; Operating Room; Emergency Department; C.C. U as a float; Shock Trauma Unit of MCG; and other positions also. I had an entire career in it in other words until it ended with premeditated deliberate trauma caused to me by my then-husband [divorced the following year in 2007]. I am aware of the medical methods of disguise, deceit and false doctrine to vulnerable women who are basically prey to a killing entity that profits off innocent blood. Women are not innocent when they appoint their own offspring to destruction. They and those who kill innocents must be held accountable! We the good people [prolife advocates] who want to plase The LIVING LORD JESUS work to educate and enlighten the world on the sin of abortion and medical killing in all its forms. In the next paragraphs I will include some #quotes of others on this topic.

"No matter how it is worded or performed, abortion hurts women. This won't sop until women stand up in unison and say "this is unacceptable. We deserve better." Lack of emotional and financial resources are the real "undue burden' and abortion will neve lift that. " Serrin Foster of "Feminists for Life"

"A trule welcoming society must be a culture of life...we must appreciate the dignity of life in all its seasons and look toward the day when every child, born and unborn, is welcome in life and protected in law. " Gov George W Bush before he was President.

"Just because something happens to be legal does not make it moral, ethical or right. Abortion is perhaps the most dramatic example of a situation where something is 'legal: but very much a sin against God". A. L. Barry, of The Lutheran Church.

"If everyone doesn't have the right to life, then nobody has the right to life. " Nellie Gray.

"It is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth..and the right of every child to be born [alive]. " Birthright International

"The right to life is not 'a woman's issue'. " Margaret Heckler, former Secretary of Health, Welfare and Education.

"A christian can never conform to a law which is in itself immoral...nor can a christian take part in a propaganda campaign in favor of such a law, or vote for it. " "The Holy See" , 1974

"There is no ethical way to obtain stem cells from a human embryo--and there are no exceptions to this statement. " Fr Joseph Howard, Jr; MDiv; Direcotr , American Bioethics Advisory Committee

"There is no more important issue than restoring the protection of the law to prenatal infants. " Sen Gordon Humphrey, New Hampshire

"At the moment of conception a life starts. And this life has its own unique set of DNA which obtain a blueprint for the whole genetic make-up. The sex is determined. We know there is life because it is growing [uterus and embryo] and changing ." Kathy Ireland

"The care of human life and not its destruction the first and only legitimate object of good government". Thomas Jefferson>

Quote : " “We're all human, aren't we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.”

― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; in goodreads; 19March2024

Quote: " I’ve entered the best phase of my life: motherhood!” Diaz told Rolling Stone in July 2020....

She also told Jimmy Fallon during an appearance on “The Tonight Show” in 2020 that quarantine with her infant was “heaven.”

“You get to have every moment — and it goes so fast,” she said.

“People have always said to me, ‘Really enjoy the time when they’re babies; it goes so fast.’ And literally, every single day, there’s leaps and bounds and these things that happen — she’s not the same baby she was yesterday.”;


AMAZING! Dept of Health and Human Services put an ad on Bloomberg urging people to adopt a U S baby.

That is a major paradigm shift! I am glad I heard it. The baby humans are winning the battle for civil liberties.

18Mar2024; 8:20pm Bloomberg Radio

----- Missouri protects babies in womb so father has to support them:

Missouri women who are pregnant cannot get a divorce until after baby born.

N H defines fetus as person:

Quote: " The Legislature passed a bill in 2017 that defines a fetus at 20 weeks of development and beyond as a person for purposes of criminal prosecution of murder. Republican Gov. Chris Sununu signed the bill into law. It took effect in 2018."

Remember there is NO RIGHT TO KILL HUMAN BEINGS WRITTEN IN THE US CONSTITUTION NOR ITS AMENDMENTS. Journalists who write that there is such a thing show their ignorance . Killing tiny humans does not make it less of a crime. The size of a human does not determine if human being but human DNA, human shape, soul, body, feelings, human cells ,human blood are all distinct from animals.

Doctors and nurses cannot be compelled to participate in medical killing, confirmed by Justice :

Quote: " “Conscientious objection”

Justice Brett Kavanaugh highlighted the point in one of his few questions during the oral arguments today, asking: "Just to confirm on the standing issue, under federal law, no doctors can be forced against their consciences to perform or assist in an abortion, correct?" Prelogar confirmed that there are already broad protections in place."

About Comstock federal law:

"This is a prominent provision," Alito argued Tuesday. "It’s not some obscure subsection of a complicated, obscure law. Everybody in this field knew about it."

[My comment: the Comstock law expressly forbids abortifacients and its already the law. So it seems like a no-brainer to me for SCOTUS Justices just to obey the written law. and save the baby humans. ]

U S Supreme Court to decide if drugs can be used to kill innocent babies in US:

Quote:"WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is hearing arguments Tuesday in its first abortion case since conservative justices overturned the constitutional right to an abortion two years ago. At stake is the ease of access to a medication that was used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the U.S. last year. Abortion opponents are asking the justices to ratify a ruling from a conservative federal appeals court that would limit access to mifepristone, one of two drugs used in medication abortions."


Comstock law prohibits abortifacients via U S mail:

Quote : "But during oral arguments on Tuesday, conservative Justices Alito and Thomas seemed very interested in one particular piece of the argument that the plaintiff’s lawyers made: that the FDA’s efforts to expand access to mifepristone violated the Comstock Act, an 1873 law that criminalized the circulation of “obscene, lewd or lascivious” publications, as well as “any article or thing designed or intended for the prevention of conception or procuring of abortion.”...

The case the Court heard on Tuesday was originally filed by the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine — a group that appears to have been purpose-built for taking down the abortion pill. The alliance is a coalition of existing anti-abortion medical organizations, including the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, each of which has unsuccessfully challenged FDA approval of mifepristone in the past";


Why do educated Justices believe a planned parenthood killer instead of real, medical doctors?

This christian prolife group of medical doctors should win their case to remove killing hormone from public!:

Quote:"The case the Court heard on Tuesday was originally filed by the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine — a group that appears to have been purpose-built for taking down the abortion pill. The alliance is a coalition of existing anti-abortion medical organizations, including the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and the Christian Medical and Dental Associations, each of which has unsuccessfully challenged FDA approval of mifepristone in the past.";


[My comment: how many of those who used hormone to disrupt their uterus now have uterine cancer? and sterility as consequences for their sin of killing preborn baby human?]

SCOTUS to review killing SEXIST hormone --if a man took hormones to kill his sperm it would be fury across U S but BIG PHARMA & BIG BABY KILLING INDUSTRY thinks its a great idea for women:

Quote: " For more than a year, a specter named Matthew Kacsmaryk has loomed over abortion access in the United States. Kacsmaryk, a former lawyer for Christian right causes who Donald Trump appointed to the federal bench, attempted to ban the drug mifepristone, a medication used in about half of all US abortions, in the spring of last year.

Now this case, known as FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, will receive a hearing before the Supreme Court on Tuesday";

[My comment as in my subject line for this and also: Requiring RPh to dispense meds to kill an innocent baby is NAZI Medicine at best. Requiring M Ds or so-called "health care providers" [who might only have 2 yrs of medical education and an auxiliary degree] to prescribe a drug that kills innocent human babies is a VIOLATION of religious liberty and a VIOLATION of civil liberties to be allowed to use their God given talents and expensive education to HELP people not kill them, in the freedom of association, freedom of religious beliefs and freedom to not be forced to participate in ungodly and illegal research* since the use of that hormone is OFF LABEL and has never been studied as to how it harms women or the endometrium of their uteruses. Scam FDA be ashamed. How much bribe money did you take from BIG BABY KILLING INDUSTRY to approve that killing hormone? ] *Footnote: illegal because the universal Nuremberg Code of laws on human research says plainly the drug or technique must not kill or maim the person being used as a guinea pig.

For the record I also create other blogs of mine one by one and you can see some of them and the lists of them at

. My profile for this blog is :

Posted today 28March 2024; at 6:36am by me Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist, Republic Missouri; using my own computer, my own internet, my own knowledge and my own research to collect wuotes and facts, and my own background as Registered Nurse. . `

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Some possible breakthroughs in #publichealth

Just so everyone knows: I, Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist, am a white, unmarried woman, with GREEN eyes. When/if you see my photos with brown eyes on web it is proof of a criminal hacker altering my image. Also, I moved to #RepublicMo on 31July 2023. I will post my most recent selfie at bottom of this page BECAUSE BLOG WILL NOT ALLOW ME TO ALTER THE HEADER IMAGE OF ME FROM ABOUT 5 YEARS AGO! I do not have brown eyes and my eyes in that 5 yr old photo in header were green when I uploaded that photo, and were green in the original photo. My eyes are still green as you can see from selfie at bottom of this page. . Plea to FBI; please stop criminal hackers from breaking into my computer and my internet that I pay for. I moved to Republic Missouri on 31 Jul2023. All telephones and all everything in my apartment belongs to me. I do NOT have any family in Springfield Missouri and no one in Springfield Missouri, or anywhere else, is authorized to bypass login credentials and break into my accounts. I am unmarried since 2007 and live alone. Please stop the i d theft of my born with name!

Please read each snippet of health care news because there are some quite surprising revelations of cancer being transmissable, heart disease and high blood pressure being prevented by walking at least 7,000 steps regularly, and natural light provided by the sun preventing depression and mental health aberrations. Stay informed and realize common sense in health care is a very important fctor too.

I'm numbering these for ease of reference and to indicate the order in which I read this news or researched it. The number is not an effort to rank in importance these news stories.

1)A Newly named cardiovascular phenomenon:


"the American Heart Association is identifying a new medical condition that reflects the strong links among obesity, diabetes and heart and kidney disease.

According to an advisory released Monday, the goal in recognizing the condition — cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome, or CKM —

is to get earlier diagnosis and treatment for people at high risk of dying from cardiovascular disease....

Increasing evidence shows how metabolic risk factors such as abdominal fat, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar can negatively affect other organs in the body....

Along with defining the new syndrome, Ndumele and his team devised a system of stages for doctors to identify patients at risk:

* Stage 0: There are no risk factors for heart disease.

* Stage 1: Someone who is overweight with a lot of abdominal fat or who has prediabetes. People in stage 1 would be advised to follow a healthy lifestyle, with a goal of at least 5% weight loss.

* Stage 2: Someone with Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high triglycerides or kidney disease. Treatments could include medications to control blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol. Patients might also be prescribed diabetes drugs such as SGLT2 inhibitors, which protect kidney function, and GLP-1 receptor agonists, such as Ozempic or Wegovy, to help control blood sugar and lose weight.

* Stage 3: People with metabolic risk factors such as high blood pressure and early cardiovascular disease or kidney disease but who don't have symptoms yet. Treatments would include heart and diabetes medications, as well as testing for narrowing of the arteries.

* Stage 4: Someone with diagnosed heart disease, excess body fat, metabolic risk factors or kidney disease. Patients may already have had heart attacks or strokes or may already have developed heart failure. People at this stage would fall into one of two categories: those without kidney failure and those with it.;

10Oct2023; 6am


2) Preventing high blood pressure: WALK everywhere

Quote:'According to study co-author Linda Pescatello, professor of kinesiology in the University of Connecticut’s College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources, walking an additional 3,000 steps per day (roughly 2.1 kilometres at an average pace) can reduce blood pressure in older adults with hypertension.

In the U.S., estimates suggest 80% of older adults have high blood pressure....

The results suggest that walking 7,000 steps a day can be the same as taking medications to reduce blood pressure.";

10Oct2023; 6:45am


3) Being in green or blue space can positively affect one's mental health;

10 Oct 2023; 7:46am

4) And a Quote on same topic in another source:

"The world's largest study on light exposure and its impact on mental health, with almost 87,000 participants, has found that increased exposure to light at night increases a person's risk for psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, bipolar and PTSD severity as well as self-harm. Importantly, the study also found that increasing exposure to daytime light can act like a non-pharmacological means for reducing psychosis risk.

In those exposed to high amounts of light at night, the risk of depression increased by 30%—while those who were exposed to high amounts of light during the day reduced their risk of depression by 20%. Similar patterns of results were seen for self-harm behavior, psychosis, bipolar disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and PTSD.";

; 7:48am; 10 Oct 2023


5) Researchers trying to find a simple predictive test of who will live to be 100 yrs old, and think a simple blood test might be the method.


"Centenarians tend to have lower levels of glucose, creatinine and uric acid from their sixties onwards, according to the largest study of its kind that may lead to a simple blood test to predict a person’s chance of reaching 100.

The research, published on Monday in the journal GeroScience, is the biggest to date to measure....

"Those with increased levels of total cholesterol and iron had a greater likelihood of becoming centenarians compared to those with lower levels"...;

10 Oct 2023; 6:54am


6) A rare virus caused by tick causes encephalitis and death.


"The [ Powassan,] illness is rare and is spread through the bite of an infected tick, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It is not transmittable through person-to-person contact,"


7) Research on Powassan on NIH database:

a) Powassan Virus Encephalitis.

Piantadosi A, Solomon IH.

Infect Dis Clin North Am. 2022 Sep;36(3):671-688. doi: 10.1016/j.idc.2022.03.003.

PMID: 36116842 Free PMC article. Review.

Powassan virus is an increasingly recognized cause of severe encephalitis that is transmitted by Ixodes ticks..."

b) Ecology of Powassan Virus in the United States.

Hassett EM, Thangamani S.

Microorganisms. 2021 Nov 9;9(11):2317. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9112317.

PMID: 34835443 Free PMC article. Review.

Zoonotic viruses threaten the lives of millions of people annually, exacerbated by climate change, human encroachment into wildlife habitats, and habitat destruction. The Powassan virus (POWV) is a rare tick-borne virus that can cause severe neurological damage and death, ..."

c) Cite Share

Powassan Virus-A New Reemerging Tick-Borne Disease.

Fatmi SS, Zehra R, Carpenter DO.

Front Public Health. 2017 Dec 12;5:342. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2017.00342. eCollection 2017.

PMID: 29312918 Free PMC article. Review.

Powassan virus is a neurovirulent flavivirus consisting of two lineages causing meningoencephalitis. ...This review highlights Powassan's neurotropic presentation, epidemiology, diagnostic challenges, and prevalence.

d) Cite Share

Powassan Virus.

Kapoor AK, Zash R.

2023 Mar 27. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–.

PMID: 34033361 Free Books and Documents.

Powassan virus (POW) is an arbovirus within the family of Flaviviruses primarily found in the Northeastern United States, Canada, and Russia. It is a zoonotic infection transmitted to humans by several tick species..."

10 Oct 2023; 7am


8) Long Covid is a recognized phenomenom different from "long colds".:

Quote Scripps News:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists 19 different ailments as common long COVID symptoms. The symptoms can range from prolonged coughs and fevers to neurologic and cardiovascular symptoms. Many people with long COVID complain of persistent fatigue, drowsiness and brain fog."

10Oct2023; 6:54am


9) Preventing covid naturally:

Quoting "Dr Tamara Alireza, Functional Medicine practitioner at Skinfluencer London, told that the popular spice could relieve symptoms of Covid or even prevent an infection....

"What’s more, adding around one teaspoon of cinnamon to your tea or coffee could be enough to do the trick. Packed with anti-inflammatory properties, cinnamon is able to increase your levels of nitric oxide while dampening down inflammation.";

10 Oct 2023; 7:22am


10) Rabies in midwest:;

10 Oct 2023; 6:56am


11) Redfining diabetic acidosis to a socio-economic situation??

October 09, 2023; 7am

Quoting Medscape newsletter:

"An upcoming joint society statement on hyperglycemic emergencies in adults with diabetes will de-emphasize glucose from the diagnostic criteria for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), along with many other updates to the last statement on the topic, published 14 years ago.

  Based on extensive literature reviews and observations of current trends, the new document — due to be published soon —

will cover diagnosis and management of the two most serious acute hyperglycemic emergencies seen in adults, DKA and hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS)."...

The statement will revise the definition of DKA, partly spurred by the increasing occurrence and recognition of euglycemic ketoacidosis arising from the use of sodium–glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. For all patients with hyperglycemic crisis, the hyperglycemia cutoff is now lowered to 200 mg/dL (11.1 mmol/L) from the previous 250 mg/dL...

"Both of these changes are recognizing the wide range of glucose levels at the presence of DKA. Approximately 10% of DKA occurs with euglycemia or near-normoglycemia," noted co-author Shivani Misra, MD, PhD, senior clinical lecturer and honorary consultant in Metabolic Medicine at Imperial College, London, United Kingdom.";

10 Oct 2023; 7:27am


12) The CDC also tracks abortions, numbers of deaths from abortions, types of abortion, the break-down into ethnic and socio-economic actors of women who procure abortions.

Unmarried women account for the majority of abortions. Reading their report of how many human babies are killed in U S and how many women in U S are brain-washed into killing their offspring always turns my stomach!

10Oct 2023;7:12am


13) " Anti-aging foods" article:;

10 Oct 2023; 7:54am


14) Transmissable cancer found in mollusks and dogs per news.


"The fact that the transmissible neoplasia spreads like a bacteria through water to infect the gills of mollusks suggests that there might be undiscovered rules about the way cancer invades the human body....

There have been some instances of transmissible cancers in humans, but only in medical or research settings when the skin’s protection was breached. For instance, a surgeon removing a tumor from a patient accidentally cut his hand and, five months later, there was a tumor growing there genetically linked to his patient.

The team's findings were published in the journal Nature Cancer."


Selfie last week of Sept 2023 :

I have other blogs which I update one by one also and each has its own purpose. I purposely do not link the blogs to each other to have more simplicity in reading , viewing them. Also, I do not tack who views my blogs but Google does but statistics such as numbers and continents of viewers. I appreciate all the many years of Google help. I LOVE @Google. Those blogs are:,,,,,

Posted today 10 Oct 2023 at 9:55am by me, Gloria Poole,RN,artist of Republic Missouri, from my own apartment using my own equipment.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Vehicle manufacturers creating methods to prevent car deaths from heat

I [Gloria Poole, R.N.,artist,] read an article this morning that prompted me to post some of it here. The temperatures in Springfield Missouri have been higher than 101 day after day, sometimes reaching highs of 107 degrees. As a Registered Nurse, I know that heat related illness is common in the summer among the young, the old, the sick, the weak, and among sports participants. I posted the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke on this blog before so if you are not familiar with those, pleas scroll back and find that post. It might save your life or someone else's someday. Heat exhaustion is the less serious consequence of exposure to extremely high temperatures. heat stroke on the other hand has the same neurological effects and risk of death as cerebral stroke.

However this post is about children left in hot vehicles unintentionally who die within minutes if not rescued. It is my way of helping spread the word that every citizen, evry person in any parking lot anywhere should be on alert for children and infants left in cars, because it is a life threatening emergency. In that situation, call 911, break the glass if the child cannot follow instructions to unlock car quickly and get child/infant out of that hot car and into cooling place or cool with water as quickly as possible. That's the first aid .

Here is some of the info with its source that I read this morning:


Know the Facts

* A child's body temperature rises three to five times faster than an adult's.

* When a child is left in a hot vehicle, that child's temperature can rise quickly — * and they could die within minutes. 

* Heatstroke begins when the core body temperature reaches about 104 degrees. 

* A child can die when their body temperature reaches 107 degrees.

* In 2021, 23 children died of vehicular heatstroke.

* In 2018 and 2019, we saw a record number of hot car deaths —  53 children died each year — * the most in at least 20 years, according to

* Everyone Can Help Prevent Hot Car Deaths: [

Parents and Caregivers, Bystanders, shoppers, EMTs, Police Officers, Firemen, neighbors, walkers, all have the skills to rescue a child or infant in a locked car.

"Some ideas how to prevent children/infants being left in vehicles:

1. Never leave a child in a vehicle unattended — even if the windows are partially open or the engine is running, and the air conditioning is on"

2. Make it a habit to check your entire vehicle — front and back — before locking the door and walking away. Train yourself to Park, Look, Lock, or always ask yourself, "Where's Baby?"

3. Ask your childcare provider to call if your child doesn’t show up for care as expected. 

4. Place a personal item like a purse or briefcase in the back seat, as another reminder to look before you lock. Write a note or place a stuffed animal in the passenger's seat to remind you that a child is in the back seat.

5. Store car keys out of a child's reach and teach children that a vehicle is not a play area"[end quotes].

Read article see photos at :; on web 6Aug2022;9am

. I wrote all of that to get to this news: Some vehicle manufacturers are creating methods to contact the driver, get their attention quickly, contact other people, to alert humans to catastrophic situation of child left in locked vehicle. Remember vehicles are metal and the sun beats down on them heating them up quickly. Even in seasons other than summer.

Some manufacturers are making progress and it's really good news for the cause of Save the baby humans.

Ideas to end deaths of children left in vehicles:

Quote: " To Fennell that means honking vehicles that flash lights and send text alerts to drivers -- even nearby strangers -- that a child has been accidentally forgotten in the back seat or has surreptitiously climbed inside a vehicle....

Toyota has been aggressively working toward a solution to the issue, one that's becoming more perilous with each year as temperatures spike. In May, the Japanese automaker introduced its "Cabin Awareness" concept, which is currently undergoing real-world testing with May Mobility, an autonomous-vehicle company....

Cabin Awareness concept deploys millimeter-wave, high-resolution 4D imaging radar to determine if a person or pet has been left behind in a locked vehicle. The imaging radar sensor, located above the headliner, can detect a life form even after a driver exits, according to Toyota. If a child or pet is locked inside, warning signals will light up on the instrument cluster. The vehicle will make noise and the driver may get notifications via the Toyota app as well as text messages, the company said. Moreover, the technology can send alerts through smart home devices or send text messages to designated emergency contacts. Roberts said the team is also currently exploring vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications to get the attention of passersby...

Korean automaker Hyundai first rolled out its Ultrasonic Rear Occupant Alert sensor in the Palisade SUV for model year 2020. The sophisticated sensing-based alert sets off blinking lights, honks the horn and sends a text message via Hyundai's telematics Bluelink connected car system, directing the driver to immediately check the back seat....

There are ways to prevent hot car deaths without technology: teaching children to honk the horn if they get stuck inside or placing an important item in the rear as a reminder. ...

If Toyota's Concept Cabin Awareness system becomes a reality, Roberts said the company would be open to sharing its technology with industry competitors."

Those measures ae good nes for baby humans and here is some more very good news for them:

Good news for baby humans! Quote: "Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb signed an abortion bill into law Friday, banning the procedure with very few exceptions, making it the first state to pass such a bill since Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court in June. The ban will go into effect on Sept. 15.

State lawmakers had passed the legislation earlier Friday. "Following the overturning of Roe, I stated clearly that I would be willing to support legislation that made progress in protecting life..

The bill replaces the state's current 22-week abortion ban with a near-total ban on abortion... Under the bill, patients cannot use telehealth medicine to seek an abortion and must consult a provider in person.

This bill "makes Indiana one of the most pro-life states in the nation," Republican Rep. Wendy McNamara, who sponsored the legislation, said at a media briefing after the House voted to pass the bill.";


Also this bit of FUN news about my name Gloria:

 Co3 Contemporary Dance Presents Douglas Wright's GLORIA in September [Perth Australia]

        Raewyn Hill, Co3 Artistic Director, honours her New Zealand mentor, legendary dancer, and choreographer Douglas Wright, by programming his most iconic dance work GLORIA, a keystone production in Co3's 2022 season.";

And schedule :;

Posted today as a #publichealth message by me Gloria Poole, RN ,artist of Springfield Missouri, to remind all that saving the human race from premeditated destruction has to become the goal of all of us.

I have also recently updated other sites of mine including these:

and others.

Posted on 6th Aug 2022 at 4:53pm by me Gloria Poole,RN,artist from my own apartment as a #publicservice message. 

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Public Health issues ending abortion, preventing illness and tobacco induced cancer, by gloria

I , Gloria Poole / gloriapoole / Gloria, am a Registered Nurse who worked 26 years in a variety of acute care hospitals and on several units including Med-Surg, Operating Room; Shock-Trauma ; Dialysis; Emergency Department and was Administrative Supervisor of a Trauma-designated hospital. I am qualifed to write on the issues of the public's health. This is going to be a long read because there are several issues I want to include in depth.

First I want to remind all humans that the premeditated murders of humans is illegal in the "United" States [which are almost evenly divided into those opposed to killing of human babies in the womb and those who insist that killing of babies is a so-called "right". ] The solution to end mass murders in the womb and in the schools is to teach The Commandments of God including "thou shalt not kill" as written in Exodus 20:13, KJV. There is no such right in the U S Constitution nor in the Amendments that is the "right to kill children"nor the "right to kill babies" nor the "right to kill offpsring"nor the "right to kill unwanted humans". It is medical fact that humans reproduce humans. That is labeled the "law of the species". It is also medical fact that humans in the womb when they procreate, use human sperm and human eggs, which combine in the sex act to form a new human. Humans in the womb are human from the get-go! They don't become human at some point down the road of gestation. They are HUMAN because that is all they can be-- they are created by 2 HUMANS, male and female humans. I am continuing my efforts to influence the U S Supreme Court to totally undo the heinous Roe v Wade falsely decided decision and make the United States a safe sanctuary for innocent defenseless,tiniest humans, i.e. those in the womb and those in elementary [or any level] schools.

Other topics I want to include here today are preventing salmonella in food; avoiding heat related illnesses and preventing lung cancer induced by smoking, microplastics in atmosphere, and W.H.O questions covid origin and pesticides. I will include research info to make it simple and straight forward and the sources so readers can look up and read for themselves the rest of the reports/news.

I. Preventing Salmonella:

Preventing Salmonella on chickens:

w/ quote: "The CD"[Center for Disease Control] is offering the following advice to people with backyard flocks:

* Wash your hands!

* Always wash your hands with soap and water immediately after touching backyard poultry, their eggs, or anything in the area where they live and roam.

* Use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available. Consider having hand sanitizer at your coop.

* Be safe around backyard flocks

* Don’t kiss or snuggle backyard poultry, and don’t eat or drink around them. This can spread salmonella germs to your mouth and make you sick.

* Keep your backyard flock and supplies you use to care for them (like feed containers and shoes you wear in the coop) outside of the house. You should also clean the supplies outside the house.

* Supervise kids around flocks

* Always supervise children around backyard poultry and make sure they wash their hands properly afterward.

* Don’t let children younger than 5 years touch chicks, ducklings, or other backyard poultry. Young children are more likely to get sick from germs like salmonella.

* Handle eggs safely

* Collect eggs often. Eggs that sit in the nest can become dirty or break.

* Throw away cracked eggs. Germs on the shell can more easily enter the egg through a cracked shell.

* Rub off dirt on eggs with fine sandpaper, a brush, or a cloth. Don’t wash eggs because colder water can pull germs into the egg.

* Refrigerate eggs to keep them fresh and slow the growth of germs.

* Cook eggs until both the yolk and white are firm, and cook egg dishes to an internal temperature of 160°F to kill all germs.

Individuals with a fever higher than 102 degrees, those who have had diarrhea for more than three days, bloody diarrhea, or vomiting should contact a doctor.

... The CDC says such outbreaks aren’t uncommon, and often coincide with the spring, when people buy baby poultry.

In 2021, the CDC recorded 1,135 cases of salmonella caused by contact with backyard poultry.

... People with questions about local outbreaks are encouraged to contact their state’s health department.


II. Preventing heat related illnesses:

Learn the symptoms and act quickly to get into cool down situatuion.

Quote: " Heat exhaustion is the body's response to an excessive loss of water and salt, usually through excessive sweating."

Heat exhaustion is most likely to affect: The very young and the elderly.


Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:

* Headache.

* Nausea.

* Dizziness.

* Weakness.

* Irritability.

* Thirst.

* Heavy sweating.

* Elevated body temperature.

Source : Heat Stress Related Illness | NIOSH - CDC

per Google search. 11June 2022;7:13am

You or someone else have any signs of heatstroke:

* feeling unwell after 30 minutes of resting in a cool place and drinking plenty of water.

* not sweating even while feeling too hot.

* a high temperature of 40C or above.

* fast breathing or shortness of breath.

* feeling confused.

* a fit (seizure)

* loss of consciousness.

* not responsive.

Source: Heat exhaustion and heatstroke - NHS [National Health Service, U.K.

per Google search, 11June2022;7:14am

III. Preventing Lung Cancer induced by smoking:

Learn the symptoms:

[Quote:] The main symptoms of lung cancer include: * a cough that doesn't go away after 2 or 3 weeks. * a long-standing cough that gets worse. * chest infections that keep coming back. * coughing up blood. * an ache or pain when breathing or coughing. * persistent breathlessness. * persistent tiredness or lack of energy." * Google search; 11june2022;7:42am -------- [Pubmed :}
This research is prompted today by article in the BBC about Canada's plan to la be each cigarette as deadly:

Article snippets:

"Canada's government is proposing putting health warnings on individual cigarettes in what would be a world-first way of tackling the habit. Mental Health and Addictions Minister Carolyn Bennett said she hoped the measure would help reach more people. She said the key target were young people who often access cigarettes "in social situations sidestepping the information printed on a package"....

"These are deadly products, and these measures will help to further reduce their appeal to youth and non-smokers, as well as to support current smokers in their efforts to quit."...

Tobacco use is still the leading preventable cause of illness and premature death in the country with the population of more than 38 million.";


I researched that subject:[Quote; and numbers after sentences are footnotes to research in article, put here to help you}

" " Lung cancer is the leading cancer killer in both men and women in the U.S. In 1987, it surpassed breast cancer to become the leading cause of cancer deaths in women.1

* An estimated 154,050 Americans are expected to die from lung cancer in 2018, accounting for approximately 25 percent of all cancer deaths.2

* The number of deaths caused by lung cancer peaked at 159,292 in 2005 and has since decreased by 6.5 percent to 148,945 in 2016.1

* The age-adjusted death rate for lung cancer is higher for men (46.7 per 100,000 persons) than for women (31.9 per 100,000 persons). It is similar for blacks (40.0 per 100,000 persons) and whites (39.2 per 100,000 persons) overall. However, black men have a far higher age-adjusted lung cancer death rate than white men, while black and white women have similar rates.1...

* Approximately 541,000 Americans living today have been diagnosed  with lung cancer at some point in their lives.3

* During 2018, an estimated 234,030 new cases of lung cancer were expected to be diagnosed, representing about 13 percent of all cancer diagnoses.2

* The majority of living lung cancer patients have been diagnosed within the last five years. Lung cancer is mostly a disease of the elderly. In 2015, 86 percent of those living with lung cancer were 60 years of age or older...

* Lung cancer is the most common cancer worldwide, accounting for 2.1 million new cases and 1.8 million deaths in 2018.5

The National Institutes of Health estimate that cancer care cost the U.S. an overall $147.5 billion in 2015, $13.4 billion of which is due to lung cancer. Lost productivity due to early death from cancer lead to an additional $134.8 billion in 2005, $36.1 billion of which was caused by lung cancer."...

* The lung cancer five-year survival rate (18.6 percent) is lower than many other leading cancer sites, such as colorectal (64.5 percent), breast (89.6 percent) and prostate (98.2 percent).3

* The five-year survival rate for lung cancer is 56 percent for cases detected when the disease is still localized (within the lungs). However, only 16 percent of lung cancer cases are diagnosed at an early stage. For distant tumors (spread to other organs) the five-year survival rate is only 5 percent.3...

* Smoking, a main cause of small cell and non-small cell lung cancer, contributes to 80 percent and 90 percent of lung cancer deaths in women and men, respectively. Men who smoke are 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer. Women are 13 times more likely, compared to never smokers.11

* Between 2005 and 2010, an average of 130,659 Americans (74,300 men and 56,359 women) died of smoking-attributable lung cancer each year. Exposure to secondhand smoke causes approximately 7,330 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers every year.12

* Nonsmokers have a 20 to 30 percent greater chance of developing lung cancer if they are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work.13 More than half of people with lung cancer die within one year of being diagnosed.3";

which references this research:

And another resource:;


and more on subject:

e-cigs are harmful too:

"the potential cancer-related effects of increased activation of the sympathoadrenal system induced by the inhalation of nicotine, the primary component of the e-cigarettes, are completely overlooked. Therefore, the aim of this review is to describe mechanisms that may connect the use of e-cigarettes and an increased risk for cancer development, as well as their stimulatory effect on cancer progression. Available preclinical data indicate that activation of the sympathetic nervous system by nicotine inhaled from e-cigarettes may stimulate cancer development and growth by several mechanisms.

This issue might be especially important for oncological patients as they may have the misconception that compared with combustible cigarettes, e-cigarettes represent a risk-free alternative.";


and more: cigarettes cause more than lung cancer

[Quote:] " Despite numerous studies on the mechanisms of cigarette smoking toxicity over the past three decades, some aspects remain obscure. Recent developments have drawn attention to some hopeful indicators that allow us to advance our awareness of cigarette-induced cell death.

Ferroptosis is considered a type of governed death of cells distinguished by the iron-dependent lipid hydroperoxide deposition to fatal concentrations.

Ferroptosis has been linked with pathological settings such as neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, heart attack, hemorrhagic stroke, traumatic brain injury, ischemia-reperfusion injury, and renal dysfunction.

This review tries to explain the causal role of ferroptosis cascade in cigarette smoke-mediated toxicity and cell death, highlighting associations on potential action mechanisms and proposing suggestions for its detoxifying and therapeutic interventions.";


And more: [Quote] " Background: Lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) is the most common and lethal subtype of lung cancer. Ferroptosis, an iron-dependent form of regulated cell death, has emerged as a target in cancer therapy. However, the prognostic value of ferroptosis-related genes (FRGs)x in LUAD remains to be explored...

Conclusion: Our study unearthed a novel ferroptosis-related gene signature for predicting the prognosis of LUAD, and the signature may provide useful prognostic biomarkers and potential treatment targets."

Read entire studies since I am quoting from abstracts.;


And [Quote} ; " Tobacco smoking causes DNA damages in epithelial cells and immune dysfunction in the lung, which collectively contribute to lung carcinogenesis and progression. However, potential mechanisms by which tumor-infiltrating immune cells contribute to lung cancer survival and their differential contributions in ever-smokers and never-smokers are not well studied...

Distinct pathways were altered in lung carcinogenesis in ever-smokers and never-smokers. Never-smoker patients had a better outcome than ever-smoker patients.

We characterized compositional patterns of 21 types of immune cells in lung adenocarcinomas and revealed the complex association between immune cell composition and clinical outcomes. Interestingly, we found two subsets of immune cells, mast cells and CD4+ memory T cells, which had completely opposite associations with outcomes in resting and activated status.

We further discovered that several chemokines and their associated receptors (e.g., CXCL11-CX3CR1 axis) were selectively altered in lung tumors in response to cigarette smoking and their abundances showed stronger correlation with fractions of these immune subsets in ever-smokers than never-smokers. The status switched from the resting to activated forms in mast cells and CD4+ memory T cells might manifest some important processes induced by cigarette smoking during tumor development and progression. Our findings suggested that aberrant activation of mast cells and CD4+ memory T cells plays crucial roles in cigarette smoking-induced immune dysfunction in the lung, which contributes to tumor development and progression."


More; [quote] " Epidemiological data indicate that in females cigarette smoking exerts antiestrogenic effects that manifest clinically in an increased incidence of osteoporosis, earlier menopause, increased spot bleeding, ..";


A. What constitutes tobacco use?

"Since any tobacco product is counted, this includes e-cigarettes and vaping,7 as well as traditional cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and pipe smoking.";


B. What are the disincentives to smoke?

1. "What is the FDA currently doing about e-cigarettes?

Under a policy finalized in 2016, new e-cigarettes cannot be sold in the U.S. until their makers prove to the FDA that their products do more good than harm to public health.Mar 11, 2022"

from Google search; 11June2022;7:37am

2) U S insurers can charge much higher premiums to smokers:

" In most states, yes. Generally, an insurer can charge as much as 50% more for a person who uses tobacco products. For example, if the premium for somebody your age (before any tax credits are applied) would otherwise be $200 per month, if you are a tobacco user your premium could be increased to $300 per month." from google search; 11 june 2022

3. Educating young children not to smoke:

[ Quote] "Guidelines for School Health Programs to Prevent Tobacco Use and Addiction


Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. The majority of daily smokers (82%) began smoking before 18 years of age, and more than 3,000 young persons begin smoking each day. School programs designed to prevent tobacco use could become one of the most effective strategies available to reduce tobacco use in the United States. The following guidelines summarize school-based strategies most likely to be effective in preventing tobacco use among youth. They were developed by CDC in collaboration with experts from 29 national, federal, and voluntary agencies and with other leading authorities in the field of tobacco-use prevention to help school personnel implement effective tobacco-use prevention programs. These guidelines are based on an in-depth review of research, theory, and current practice in the area of school-based tobacco-use prevention. The guidelines recommend that all schools a) develop and enforce a school policy on tobacco use, b) provide instruction about the short- and long-term negative physiologic and social consequences of tobacco use, social influences on tobacco use, peer norms regarding tobacco use, and refusal skills, c) provide tobacco-use prevention education in kindergarten through 12th grade, d) provide program-specific training for teachers, e) involve parents or families in support of school-based programs to prevent tobacco use, f) support cessation efforts among students and all school staff who use tobacco, and g) assess the tobacco-use prevention program at regular intervals.


Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death in the United States (1). Illnesses caused by tobacco use increase demands on the U.S. health-care system; lost productivity amounts to billions of dollars annually (2-3). Because four out of every five persons who use tobacco begin before they reach adulthood (1), tobacco-prevention activities should focus on school-age children and adolescents. Evidence suggests that school health programs can be an effective means of preventing tobacco use among youth (4-7). The guidelines in this report have been developed to help school personnel plan, implement, and assess educational programs and school policies to prevent tobacco use and the unnecessary addiction, disease, and death tobacco use causes. Although these guidelines address school programs for kindergarten through 12th grade, persons working with youth in other settings also may find the guidelines useful....

CDC developed these guidelines in consultation with experts representing the following organizations:

American Academy of Pediatrics American Association of School Administrators American Cancer Society American Federation of Teachers American Heart Association American Lung Association American Medical Association Association of State and Territorial Directors of Public Health Education Association of State and Territorial Health Officials Council of Chief State School Officers Health Resources and Services Administration Indian Health Service National Association of School Nurses National Association of Secondary School Principals National Association of State Boards of Education National Cancer Institute National Center for Nursing Research National Congress of Parents and Teachers National Education Association National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute National Institute of Child Health and Human Development National School Boards Association National School Health Education Coalition Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Office of Minority Health Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration The Society of State Directors of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation U.S. Department of Education Western Consortium for Public Health..."


5. 11Jun2022;7:45am

IV. Research into origin of covid virus is needed says World Health organization.

W.H.O. questioning if covid was lab induced in Wuhan:

Quote :

"Over two years after the coronavirus was first detected in China, and after at least 6.3 million deaths have been counted worldwide from the pandemic, the World Health Organization is recommending in its strongest terms yet that a deeper probe is required into whether a lab accident may be to blame....

“Tragically, the Chinese government is still refusing to share essential raw data and will not allow the necessary, full audit of the Wuhan labs,” he said. “Gaining access to this information is critical to both understanding how this pandemic began and preventing future pandemics.”

In Washington, a Republican-led subcommittee in the House of Representatives on the COVID-19 pandemic tweeted: “Americans were smeared as ‘conspiracy theorists’ for asking whether #COVID19 came from a lab leak. Now, the WHO is asking the same questions.”

“WE NEED ANSWERS,” added the committee, which is headed by Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana.

WHO’s expert scientists said numerous avenues of research were needed, including studies evaluating the role of wild animals, and environmental studies in places where the virus might have first spread, like the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan.";


V. Microplastics in news snow indicates solutions neeeded.

Quote :

"Scientists have for the first time found microplastics in freshly fallen Antarctic snow. Researchers from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand collected samples from 19 sites in Antarctica and each contained tiny plastic fragments.

Microplastics stem from the erosion of plastic materials and are smaller than a grain of rice - sometimes even invisible to the naked eye.

The researchers found an average of 29 particles per litre of melted snow....

"The most likely source of these airborne microplastics is local scientific research stations," researcher Alex Aves wrote in the journal, Cryosphere.

"However, modelling shows their origin could have been up to 6,000km (3,700 miles) away."...

Experts also say humans inhale and ingest microplastics via air, water and food. Not much research has been done on their impact on human health, but one study by the Hull York Medical School and the University of Hull last year found that high levels of ingested microplastics in the human body have the potential to cause harmful effects, including cell death and allergic reactions....";


[My comment: the facilities that shred/recycle plastics of any sort should have filters on theirs pipes to the outside air to catch any shredded microplastics in the air.]

VI. Pesticides

I, Gloria Poole, drew/painted/signed/photographed/uploaded/posted this drawing of a crop duster airplane, using a photo as reference, to remind the world, that many farmers spray certain crops with pesticides. The U S govt publishes Fact Sheets on each pesticide and because I have made this post so long I am not including fact sheets on pesticides in this post. But just so you know they exist which give the chemical formulas of pesticides, the risks to humans, the symptoms of poisoning, and the antidotes. Copyright as below.

For the record, I have other blogs that include art I create, words/poems/posts I write, drawings I draw, sketches I draw and paint and political intervention hopefully blogs, and I write/create them one by one, for a specific purpose at the time. You can see/read them of course at:; which includes my ideas for ending school murders;,P><; also a public servicem blog for family entertainment; my blog on investing, economics

Selfie of me Gloria Poole,RN,artist/ gloriapoole/ Gloria/ gloria0817/gpoole817/Ms Gloria Poole/ "Poole,Gloria"/ gloria.poole/ gloria_poole/gloria-poole/; year 2022; Springfield Missouri. Copyright.
My hand written copyright for all blogs/art/words/I create at any time in any place for any reason. Copyright Notice: all copyrights in U S, U K and E U law belong exclusively to me Gloria Poole. Viewers/readers may not reproduce my art, or words or selfies or photos in any form or via any platform/electronic medium nor represent my content as being theirs.

Note for FBI: criminal hackers stole identities of my entire family. They have broken into my Apple iMac and stolen hundreds of my family photos off it, that I photographed myself with my big camera and or my smartphones. The U S has a pandemic of stolen identities as a result of broken internet and unsafe businesses'isp accounts that are not secured because business owners steal from their rent-paying tenants. My grandchildren are white and so am I. My real born with name is Gloria Poole and I am a U S citizen born in state of Georgia, and all smartphones/computers/tablet/cell phone [my Amazon tablet was stolen from my apartment by someone who had the apartment complex's owners key, and I discovered that this past week] but I have other equipment thanks to my careful planning and purchases. Discriminating against prolife nurses and white women is illegal in the U S. FBI, please stop identity thefts and bank frauds of i.d. thieves and stop break-ins to my apartment. I am the only tenant and only occupant of this Springfield Missouri apartment.

Posted today by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse/ artist/writer/author/cartoonist/prolife advocate/republican/Christian/white/unmarried/woman, from m own apartment in Springfield Missouri, using my own computer/router/keyboard/skills/research and name, as usual. Gloria Poole is my born with name and my professional name for most of my nursing career. https://

Monday, April 25, 2022

Eugenics, long covid, phytoncides,microplastics info by Gloria Poole,RN,artist,Springfield Missouri

This is my blog to which I post public health info. I quote my sources on all blogs of mine and I often include quotes from the articles. I am a Registered Nurse and I worked in hospitals and administrative jobs for 26 (+) years mostly in the state of Georgia. I am qualified to write on the subject of health care in other words. I am posting many health care issues and making effort to inform public of these to be knowledgeable of them and to learn to recognize symptoms in some cases; and know what resources are available to them. I am numbering them for ease of reference, nor for ranking in order of priority.

1) 500 Million covid patients worldwide and some with "long covid"?

Quote: "As of April, 2022, more than 500 million cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection have been reported worldwide,1 with 21·7 million cases in the UK2 and over 820 000 patients in the UK admitted to hospital for COVID-19....

The ten most common persistent symptoms at 1 year after discharge were fatigue (463 [60·1%] of 770 patients), aching muscles (442 [54·6%] of 809), physically slowing down (429 [52·9%] of 811), poor sleep (402 [52·3%] of 769), breathlessness (395 [51·4%] of 769), joint pain or swelling (382 [47·6%] of 803), slowing down in thinking (377 [46·7%] of 808), pain (359 [46·6%] of 770), short-term memory loss (360 [44·6%] of 808), and limb weakness (341 [41·9%] of 813; appendix p 35). "

Research of The U K Medical Journal "The Lancet"at;

on web 24Apr2022;2:59pm

2) Quote: "Fentanyl overdoses are now the top cause of death among U.S. residents ages 18-45, surpassing suicide, car accidents and COVID, according to an analysis of federal data by opioid awareness organization Families Against Fentanyl.";

on web 20Apr2022;11:13am

3) Quote: "The Fighting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Act would require the Justice Department to establish evidence-based treatment programs for first responders across the country, similar to services available to military personnel who develop PTSD or acute stress disorders. The bill requires the Justice Department to consult with stakeholders, including public safety officer organizations, in developing the program, which would be available to serve first responders in communities of all sizes across the country. The Fighting Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Act is supported by the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, the International Association of Fire Chiefs, the Major Cities Chiefs Association, the Major County Sheriffs of America, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and the Sergeants Benevolent Association NYPD.";

on web 8Apr2022;12:18pm

4) Quote: "Scientists have discovered a brand-new type of cell hiding inside the delicate, branching passageways of human lungs. The newfound cells play a vital role in keeping the respiratory system functioning properly and could even inspire new treatments to reverse the effects of certain smoking-related diseases, according to a new study. 

The cells, known as respiratory airway secretory (RAS) cells, are found in tiny, branching passages known as bronchioles, which are tipped with alveoli, the teensy air sacs that exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the bloodstream"...;

On web 6Apr2022;12:15pm

5) Quote: "USDA's Agricultural Research Service Honors Scientists of the Year

For media inquiries contact: Jessica Ryan, (301) 892-0085

WASHINGTON, April 5, 2022 – For his outstanding contributions to veterinary virology and discovery and development of vaccines against African Swine Fever (ASF), Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientist Manuel Borca is the agency's Distinguished Senior Research Scientist of the Year for 2022. Borca, research microbiologist for ARS's Plum Island Animal Disease Control's Foreign Animal Disease Research Unit in Orient Point, New York, is one of many ARS researchers being honored for their scientific achievements.

ARS also named four 2022 Area Senior Research Scientists of the Year. They are:

• Peter Follett, with ARS's Tropical Crop and Commodity Protection Research Unit in Hilo, Hawaii, for his contributions to postharvest entomology and quarantine treatment development.

• Robert Shatters, with ARS's Subtropical Insects and Horticulture Research Unit in Fort Pierce, Florida, for his signficant research on plants, insect pests and plant disease. He translated molecular biology research and knowledge into deliverable solutions to huanglongbing (HLB), also known as citrus greening.

• Aijun Zhang, with ARS's Invasive Insect Biocontrol and Behavior Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, for developing efficient and alternative strategies utilizing semiochemicals to reduce insect pests' risks to agriculture and public health.

ARS is honoring four other Area Early Career Research Scientists. They are:

• Bradd Haley, with ARS's Environmental Microbial and Food Safety Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland, for his research to characterize important features of human pathogens associated with food-producing animals.

• Joshua Lyte, with ARS's Poultry Production and Product Safety Research Unit in Fayetteville, Arkansas, for creating a new research paradigm uniting the microbiome and poultry neurophysiology that advances antibiotic alternatives to reduce foodborne pathogen carriage, disease and production-related stress.

From U S Dept of Agriculture newletter, 6April2022, emailed to me to publicize.

6) About the Prolife Declaration of a new American future :

Quote Life News:

"Along with overturning Roe, the pro-life leaders urged Americans to end taxpayer funding of abortions and eugenics and recognize the devastating effects of abortion being pushed as a solution to the world’s problems. They called on United States leaders to reinstate international aid policies that exclude abortion, eugenics and population control programs and re-embrace the historic American understanding that God is the source of rights and blessings....

“… but the damage to the fabric of American society has proven to be immense,” Donovan said. “When government promotes a policy of children as disposable, and when killing innocent children is promoted as a solution, we should not be surprised that the vulnerable of our society are mistreated, denied equal opportunity, and marginalized. This trend can and must be reversed, and it starts with a renewed emphasis on equal respect for every human under the law.” About 30 pro-life leaders signed the declaration, including Dr. Ben Carson, Ambassador Sam Brownback, Princeton University Professor Robert P. George Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Jeanne Mancini of the March for Life, Kristan Hawkins of Students for Life of America and Catherine Glenn Foster of Americans United for Life.";

On web 6Apr2022;2pm

7) Quote Reuters blood clotting thrombus caused by vaccine(?) study:

New research may help shed light on a rare but serious blood-clotting problem associated with the COVID-19 vaccines from AstraZeneca (AZN.L) and Johnson and Johnson (JNJ.N).

Five unrelated people with this clotting complication, known as vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia, all had unusually-structured antibodies against a protein called PF4 that is involved in blood clotting, the researchers found. Furthermore, all five had a specific version of a gene responsible for producing these antibodies, they reported on Monday on medRxiv ahead of peer review. "The combination of a variant in a gene and the evolution of this antibody towards targeting in a highly deleterious manner the PF4 protein...

leads to this disastrous complication," the researchers said. The prevalence of this gene varies and is highest in people of European descent, according to the report.";

On web 6Apr2022;5:25pm

8) Oregon is the Auschwitz of America for the sick? A "house divided "since they are restriciting abortion to save babies lives but KILLING SICK people??

Quote: "Oregon will no longer require people to be residents of the state to use its law allowing terminally ill people to receive lethal medication, after a lawsuit challenged the requirement as unconstitutional.;


9) Prolife news: a 15ounce,25wk gestation baby survives,;


10) "If you or someone you know is struggling the National Suicide Prevention hotline is 800-273-8255"


11) Microplastics in human blood streams:;


12) University of "Wisconsin- Madison has been a center for embryonic stem cell research since professor James Thomson became the first scientist to isolate human embryonic stem cells.[ My comment: most U S citizens think research on aborted babies is illegal in U S and under international laws of human research.];


13) Bird flu [H5N1, Avian flu} hits Nebraska:

Quote: "Nebraska has confirmed its first case of the bird flu in a commercial flock of chickens. The state Department of Agriculture said the highly contagious disease has been found in a flock of 570,000 broiler chickens in Butler County. Jessica Kolterman, a spokesperson for Lincoln Premium Poultry, confirmed that the flock is on a farm that raises chickens sent for processing at the company's Costco-affiliated operation in Fremont." Lincoln Journal Star";


14) "When walking through Adirondack forests filled with conifers, maples, birches and beech, she explained, we breathe in phytoncides, airborne compounds "which have been shown to strengthen our immune system, as well as uplift our moods".;


15) A prolife message from the mother of a Down's Syndrome [extra chromosone] child:;


16)Quote: " In December 2021, the European Society of Human Genetics urged against using polygenic risk scores for embryo selection —a position firmly endorsed by Gleicher, who calls such practice “unethical.";


17)Quote :" Medicine tells us that life begins at the moment of conception. It also tells us when an unborn baby develops a heartbeat, brainwaves, and nervous system. Yet, despite all of this, the unborn are not treated as though they are alive or even human. As a surgeon, I have operated on infants pre-birth. I can assure you that they are very much alive.

Life is a precious gift that has been given to us from our creator. No person is disposable, and every life is precious according to Him. I believe that everyone deserves life, even those who have been denied this right by our society. I believe that together we can make a difference and bring dignity and a voice to the unborn. I also believe that I’m not alone in this belief"; words of Dr Ben Carson,MD, founder of American Cornerstone Institute

in email sent to me to help publicize his prolife actions, [thanl GOD!]

March 2022

Selfie of me Gloria Poole,RN,artist and owner of this blog using a smartphone of mine. 2022. Copyright. All rights reserved to my photos/selfies/art/words I create in U S, E U and U K law.

These news snippets are posted today 25th April 2022 at 6:25am by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, and artist,photographer,cartoonist at times; blogger, author, white unmarried woman, twice-divorced; Christian, U S citizen, mother/grandmother happily so; and prolife advocate/public health educator, for the good of the world, so people can educate themselves on the issues using medical research and actual health care people's testimony.